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What did you do with your H3 recently? NEW

High Five H2

Well-Known Member
West Texas
Went on a road trip to Savannah and Tybee Island, GA for vacation and a college visit for my daughter. Originally, I was going to take the IROC, however after further consideration, I was worried that forcing my daughter to ride in the back seat of a Camaro might be considered child abuse.

Since it was kind of a last minute switch of which ride I was going to take, there was a bit of a mad rush of projects. I washed, detailed and waxed the Hummer before the trip. I recently removed a wrap so I thought I would clean up and residue (which there was very little) and add some paint protection. Its definitely the cleanest H3 that has ever graced our driveway since day one when Hummer #1 came home from the dealer 15 years ago. Typically, there's a light coating of mud at least.

Also installed the leather seats out of Hummer #1 into Hummer #3. Whether it's just in our heads or not, my wife and I bo
th agree that the leather seats are more comfortable than the cloth. I've also got to say, even though these seats are never going to be mistaken for factory fresh, they have held up amazingly well compared to any leather seats from GM I have had in the past. They came a long way from the trash that was in the 90s.

Also moved the Rocky Roads over. In addition to using them for their intended purpose, my wife likes them as steps. If you have never done anything with sliders or steps, those 16 (of 12 depending on your accessory) bolts that mount to the frame are the biggest pain on the H3. I have wasted so much time extracting broken bolts, cleaning threads, and welding new inserts over the years. Especially after this many years, if you've never touched them and suddenly find yourself in a place to uninstall or reinstall something, good luck is all I can offer.

Also cut a vinyl decal to add to the hood with the Hummer's name. Yeah, we are a car naming family. The background on the name comes from the fact that it had a camo wrap when I bought it. My wife very quickly thought I should name him Sarge after the Jeep Disney's Cars. Equally as fast, we realized Sarge (in Cars) was actually Olive Drab and not Camo, but the name stuck. I left that one little spot on the faux cooler as an homage to its past life .View attachment 31991View attachment 31992
I like the sticker. I never thought of putting something on the hood vent, but it works.


Well-Known Member
finaly.................rear bearings + joints done.... they realy did fuck me up to go out .....daaamn the bearings were hard to get but now, all's good.


Well-Known Member
Somethings a brewin… Need some more cutoff wheels


Well-Known Member
Wherever the Army Sends Me
Had a couple weeks off from work and decided to get caught up on some service as well as fine tune some stuff on the Wagon and H3T. Took my time since the average high has been 109 degrees in my part of Texas.


-replaced both front differential CV input shaft seals (GM#15286593) x2
-changed front differential oil (RP 75w90)
-replaced both upper ball joint boot, packed w/grease. (ENERGY SUSPENSION 9.13125G)
-replaced both tie rod boots, packed w/grease. (ENERGY SUSPENSION 9.13125G)
-re-torqued transmission oil pan to 12 ft/lbs and used loctite on bolts.
-replace rear diff cover gasket (GM#15680607) x1
-install new rear diff cover bolts (GM#12471307) x9
-sanded/repainted rear diff cover
-refilled rear differential (RP 75w90)
-flushed power steering fluid (RP)
-replaced front and rear pads/rotors (front pad GM# 19356362 rear pad GM#19201832 / front rotor GM#15202106 rear rotor GM# 15111376
-grease caliper slides etc.
-replace both front hubs (Timken)
-replaced spark plugs (Iridium Spark plug x8 GM# 19417055)
-replaced Spark plug heat shield (x8 GM# 19329681)
-replaced Spark plug Wire set (x1 GM# 19417612)
-replaced Valve cover left (GM# 12582224)
-replaced Valve cover right (GM# 12570427)
-changed Engine oil. due again at 116,138
-changed engine oil filter (GM# 12710960)
-rotated and balanced tires. Tire rotation due at 116,138
-Cleaned Throttle body.
-Flushed brake fluid. (Dealer)
-installed new battery (GM#88866262)
-installed new upper and lower steering shafts (GM#xxxxxxxx)
-Replaced both outer tie rods (GM#15907712)

-cleaned undercarriage (removed oil spray on underbody from old rear diff pinion seal leak)
-inspected/retorqued cargo door stryker/latch/bump stop hardware. Added loctite to mounting bolts. Made make a shim out of thin rubber and put behind existing bump stop to fix door rattle. Get PN from GMPD before entering.
-buzzed off underbody corrosion (above rear axle) and sprayed spots with primer and POR15
-buzzed off corrosion on frame around leaf spring shackle frame mounts and painted with POR15
-(Dealer) re-applied driver window tint. Old window tint had bubbles.
-Installed 4 new bolts (w/ anti-seize) and missing spacer on BA toolbox. 12.9 grade M10-1.5x60mm socket cap screw from Arrow Bolt in Euless.
-touched up rear bumper scratch
-washed, clay barred, touched up paint (GM#19367828), and waxed exterior. Polished chrome.



-flushed brake fluid (Dealer)
-replaced both front differential CV input shaft seals (GM#15286593) x2
-changed front differential oil (RP 75w90)
-replaced front and rear pads/rotors (front pad GM# 19356362 rear pad GM#19201832 / front rotor GM#15202106 rear rotor GM# 15111376
-grease caliper slides etc.
-changed rear differential oil (RP 75w90)
-change engine oil (Mobil FSEP 5W30 W/GM#12710960. Next due at 121,242)
-replaced battery (GM#88866262)
-rotated and balanced tires.
-flushed power steering fluid (RP)
-cleaned throttle body
-Replaced misc. dry rotting wire harness conduit in the engine bay.


-(Dealer) re-did camper center window tint
-replaced hood latch release cable and handle cashmere (GM#25854191)
-washed/waxed exterior/cleaned interior.


Well-Known Member
And led fog lights


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Well-Known Member
next for my rig is the last complete under body and chassis protection coat. Started 4 years ago and this one will be the last , to keep rust away for .................ever :cool::cool::cool:
Must wait for September and better weather cause it's a full day job but dry out for 2/3 days without rain or mud .......
Will post the before and after job done.
Planig also to change all 5 injectors, cause the N°1 is giving me a bad fuel/air mix-message some times.


Well-Known Member
Stupid silly visual things. Hood handles. A snorkel. Some weird rear door window metal grates. Roof rack. Hi lift jack. Axe and shovel mounted soon. And....... Ladders hahahaha they're surprisingly solid but expensive!! But two ladders are just pricier than one Gobi. My Alpha is starting to look more alpha. I also put in kryptek seat covers.


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Well-Known Member
United States
Camping. Haven't had the opportunity to camp nearly as much as I would like this year. Also installed the Thor bumper and winch last week. Had not planned to, but it became a very fortuitous project. This evening while delivering some firewood to the campsite, I got my truck just a little too close to the dege and slipped down a sandbar burying it to the frame. Once I got it rigged correctly (short single line pull didn't cut it), got it out with relative ease.


Well-Known Member
If you do drive like this, both front Halfshafts are not gonna live long.... you can bet on it. Over 23.5 from Center hub to Fender is never a good idea ..... You can read this in so many post.