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H4Owiki - the new knowledge base


El Diablo
Staff member

Well, I moved up the release of this a bit due to Chook's post regarding stickys for known issues. Might as well get the ball rolling!

I've got a wiki (think Wikipedia) started for us to have a permanent and easy to navigate knowledge base for our HUMMERs. We can have model history, upgrades, repairs, troubleshooting - you name it. The great thing about wikis are that they are user generated. The collective knowledge of many HUMMER owners is much better than the knowledge of just a few.

The goal is to take the great tech posts from the forum and put them in the H4Owiki. It will take some typing but mostly copy and paste. Help pages are available for formatting, creating pages, etc. If you're not sure how to do it it would still be great to create an ugly post with great content. We'll make it pretty later, but content is first and foremost most important.

So far, I've only added a couple of technical things from our Tech Library: oil changes and Hunner's HVAC fix.

Please note that anything you add must be of public domain. No copyrighted material is allowed. Also, when appropriate, provide references.

A lot of you have had great ideas - I think it was 06 H3 that wanted a fastener database, for example.

For now, pictures will be external links or uploads to the H4Owiki. Not sure that I want to embed external pics just yet.

I'll add a permanent link to the Navbar soon at the top of the forum but the software is fighting me right now, so that's delayed a bit.

Remember, this content and where H4Owiki goes is up to you! I put down a suggested layout to get us started but I don't expect that's where we'll go in the long run. Add pages, add links, modify structure - it's all you. Basic forum rules will remain in place: no damaging the forum/wiki will be allowed (it's expected that you will correct mis-information but won't wipe out good information); H4O-approved vendor links are allowed, and links to non-H4O related items are allowed too, like to external resources and citations, etc.

I'm learning as we go so please post up any questions, concerns, etc.

If you have some great technical posts here on H4O, we hope that you'll take a few minutes and create a copy in the wiki.

Help tip #1:
If you want to create a subsection under "Troubleshooting", click "Edit" under the correct section. The new section header should be "===Your Topic Name===" (3 Equals signs creates the correct header layout)

More information is under "Formatting" in the H4Owiki Help menu.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Holy crap!

Hunner will have a field day.

You could almost have a section dedicated to just HunnerTech.



Sounds like an awesome tool.

Are there minimum requirements for people to be allowed to edit information?

Sent with Tapacrack


Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
This is awesome, Alex! I have been running wikis at work for about ten years now and love how much information can be maintained by the group. Much better than searching threads for howtos.


Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
If anyone is having problems posting, shoot me a message and I will help out. Wiki markup is rather unique and can cause issues if you do not understand it.
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El Diablo
Staff member
cbetts is the admin for the H4Owiki. He's got tons of experience in managing these things - far more than I do. My spray and pray approach got us off the ground but a more surgical approach is required now.

And, cbetts has already come forward with an authentication system that he'd like to put in place.


Well-Known Member
Indian Mills, New Jersey
If anyone is having problems posting, shoot me a message and I will help out. Wiki markup is rather unique and can cause issues if you do not understand it.

SO is this actually part of this Forum or is it a set aside thing? I see we have to create an account which is fine but was wondering if there was anyway that our info from here can be used to create that account or do we just wing it?

BTW the wiki site is a sick idea and going to be a great tool...Thank you for your guys time and effort on this extensive project. LARRY


El Diablo
Staff member
It's set aside right now. Authentication is currently separate and will likely stay that way, but that's up in the air right now.

Unless we find some magic beans, the information will have to be manually copied over to the wiki. Cbetts is working on some structure for us but the hope is that members here might copy over their info, or the info they want to see over there. Ideally, for builds, repairs, etc. the info might in the future be built into the wiki first and then copied to the forum, vs. the other way around.