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Tranny Recommend?


Active Member
rapid city,sd
Well my transmission will not shift from second up to third, so think i need a rebuild. I’m going to make an appointment at a local shop to see what they charge to rebuild it and what the warranty is, does any body have an on-line order recommendation?

Also did the alpha and the standard have the same autotrans? Reason I ask my H3 is a mystery wagon. Someone swapped in a 2010 6.2L from an Esclade(i found casting numbers), when i scan pcm codes it shows 2010 H3T 5.3L, VIN is a 2007 H3 plain jane.

Alpha X

Well-Known Member
The Motor City
I hope someone will chime in with more information, but I am told that the automatic transmissions between the base and the Alpha are slightly different. If I recall correctly it's the input shaft that is different, can someone confirm?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't think that would matter to an experienced tranny shop in terms of providing an estimate. Tell them what you know as you did above. They ought to be able to inspect it upon teardown and determine what the tranny it is or isn't. There's no way to know exactly what parts are worn or not (beyond the common wear items(clutches/seals/bearings).

Most shops are likely to provide a ballpark estimate and then do a teardown before they give a hard number. Or their price will include basic wear components and charge extra for severely worn parts. But if you decide to go with a particular shop, make SURE the actual tech doing the work KNOWS there's some ambiguity ..so he doesn't just assume it's for an H3 and ends up ordering the wrong parts w/o measuring/inspecting. That's the kind of thing that I can see getting mis-communicated, and then he orderes the wrong parts because 'nobody told me'.... So be proactive on that and save yourself some headaches. To answer your question, some people on this forum have gotten prices between $3k-$3500 for a tranny rebuild. Hopefully yours will be less than that.

Let us know what you're finding for price. I might be in your shoes in a year or two. How many miles on your Rig?


Well-Known Member
Denver, Colorado
I have a similar issue-- mine won't shift to reverse. But the code on mine points to the solenoid not a whole tranny rebuild. That will be relatively easy once I clear out my garage and get her inside... do you have a code reader, and does it have any codes? Mine was P0741.


Well-Known Member
Good point. A 'good' scan tool with bi-directional capabilities like a GM Tech-II or Snap-On, or other "Pro" scannner, should be able to actuate the transmission solenoids and therefore determine if they're working fine (or not). If you know a buddy or shop which has one. The transmission shop should be able to do that too. But will they just want to rebuild it??


Well-Known Member
cold & windy
the computer needs a similar build's VIN to make the engine programming work - hence the 2010 H3T Alpha to match the 2010 engine swap.

having only owned one two-pedal vehicle in high school, i ain't an auto transmission guru... but i'm pretty certain your v8 swap also required a trans swap (or conversion) because the LS & Atlas versions used different bellhousings (for different bolt patterns) and different input shafts.


Well-Known Member
I have a very warped sense of practicality but I think all ls swaps should just go to a 6L80e. I know it's not your swap. If this started life as a 5cyl then the bell housing and input shaft have been swapped in that trans. A standard rebuild should be able to refresh what's in there without much confusion.