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Midland MXT275 and Promo Code


Well-Known Member
Murfreesboro, TN
Hey guys,

It's been a while, hope you're all well. I'm in the process of doing a full restoration on the H3 followed by the H2. If you're on Instagram check out @middletnhummerarmy to stay up to date. I was looking into comms and came across GMRS and started down a rabbit hole. Long story short, I reached out to Midland because they have been going all in with Jeep and told them that we're still here too. Long story short, they were cool enough to send me some products to review and a 20% off PROMO CODE for the Hummer community. I put together a Youtube channel and video for Midland and I'll be doing a bunch more videos on the Hummers so if you have a moment to check out the channel, here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKDJhLOrf6i2k93BH4-TLdQ/

The promo code is listed in the description. I DO NOT get a kick back or commission or anything from that code. Just consider it a way to show Midland that the Hummer community is still strong. Thanks in advance for your support. Now is a great time to pickup something for your truck and I honestly think it should be one of the awesome GMRS units that Midland has. I used it on the drive up from Tennessee to Indiana yesterday and it is SO clear and the range is outstanding.

DFW Spartan

Well-Known Member
Dallas, TX
Unfortunately there weren't any sales when I bought my Midland MXT400 MicroMobile radio 6 months back. Or the pair of GXT1000VP4 two-way radios I bought a couple months back. But I'm definitely on board with the benefits of GMRS over CB. Just need to get more folks moving in that direction.

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Well-Known Member
Bought GMRS several years back but everyone else is still using cb so I have had to go buy a cb and install it. Guys unfortunately I think we are way ahead of everyone else and they don’t seem very interested in catching up.

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Well-Known Member
Way up north, UT
Bought GMRS several years back but everyone else is still using cb so I have had to go buy a cb and install it. Guys unfortunately I think we are way ahead of everyone else and they don’t seem very interested in catching up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'd much rather GMRS (even paid for the license to be all legit, even though I think it's a bit dumb, and I'm an Extra), but it's not as cool to have an antenna smaller than your FM radio antenna when you can instead have a terribly inefficient top loaded Firestick flapping around on the trail. I don't even have my antenna up anymore after taking the roof rack off. It needed the spring replaced though, that think was whipping around really badly last time. I will have to get it back on before April though.

I guess there's still some draw to CB but mainly it's because that's what all the good ol' boys keep running, despite its poor range with vehicle based antennas. And it's very susceptible to interference due to the wavelength and being AM instead of FM. 11M is a pretty tall order for on the move communications. 1/4 wave whip is 102", 8.5 feet. To get the best signal out of that you need it mounted square on your roof, but you'll look like a bumper car with it mounted like that. The loaded Firesticks at least make the size more manageable, but they come at a price. I'm sure a large part of the reason for CB staying so prevalent as well is really the fact that it was the defacto standard for so long, and a lot of the old timers don't care to buy another radio setup so as people keep joining them they have to also get CB just to be able to keep talking to the old guys.

CB is still fine for very short range unless you can get a proper antenna setup done. And it's cheap, though GMRS has come down a lot in price. It's a lot easier to get a good antenna setup/mounting with GMRS than with CB, and you can still fit through most drive-through's. Midland has some very nice offerings for the same cost, if not less, than CB. Plus you can have walkie-talkies that aren't sized like bricks still. I just wish they would have gone with svelte SMC connectors instead of the lossy and huge PL-259/SO-239 connectors. If I ever get around to getting a setup for my rig I'll probably change the connectors out. I shouldn't have to punch a 1 inch hole just to get the connector for a 1/8" cable through.

Then again, the big guns are in amateur radio, but the entry cost to that is too steep for most people (easily passing a test to at least get their tech license, plus the cost of radios though legit BaoFeng's are OK starters if you can get them programmed). GMRS is the best compromise between the ease of entry of CB and the power and sophistication of amateur radio.

DFW Spartan

Well-Known Member
Dallas, TX
I just wish they would have gone with svelte SMC connectors instead of the lossy and huge PL-259/SO-239 connectors. If I ever get around to getting a setup for my rig I'll probably change the connectors out. I shouldn't have to punch a 1 inch hole just to get the connector for a 1/8" cable through.

Midland has actually thought about and addressed that issue with their MXTA24 Low Profile Antenna cable.

"The 6 meter cable is also equipped with a removable UHF connection that unscrews making wire routing and installation through gromets and firewalls easier."

I bought their original antena cable when I first purchased my radio, but never got around to installing it. Ended spending the $24 and buying the new cable for that very reason.

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