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I've seen that in some other places but it was not posted on here yet.
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FLORIDA - Open Tiger Bay State Forest To Off Road Use
Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,
Greg Gimbert, an OHV enthusiast from Daytona Beach, has spearheaded a movement to open Florida's Tiger Bay State Forest to off road use. Greg along with other Outdoor and off-highway vehicle enthusiasts have joined with community leaders and businesses in an effort to open public land up for recreation and to provide some well-managed and sustainable off-road opportunity in Florida's Tiger Bay State Forest.
Many supporters of the proposal are also out of town enthusiasts who have to travel hours each way to recreate, and would like to add Daytona Beach to their list of frequently visited places.
The 27,000-acre Tiger Bay State Forest is located just outside the city limits of Daytona Beach FL. As it stands currently, the public has access to only a tiny fraction of it, and only on a few dirt roads, while the 50 plus miles of trails are only accessed by forest staff. Likewise, there is no access for motorcycles or ATVs.
In contrast, the Withlacoochee State Forest on the west coast of Florida has a track record of successfully managing trails and fire roads (aka jeep trails - 2 track trails) as open for 4x4 vehicles, and also has a 2,700 acres dedicated motorcycle and ATV areas that nets the state between $800,000 and $1 million each year after related expenses.
Enthusiasts are seeking similar policies and management for the Tiger Bay State Forest. The Daytona Beach City Commission has adopted a resolution supporting the use of motorized vehicles in the Tiger State Forest, and we are seeking the support of other political entities, both county and state, to open and manage the forest trails to benefit the local tourist based economy of surrounding communities.
If you live in or visit Florida, Greg and his fellow OHV enthusiasts need your help. Greg is asking you to contact the state and local leaders and let them know how much you support this idea. We have an easy action item below.
We've taken the time to put together some comment suggestions to make it as easy as possible. Just follow BRC's 3-Step Action Item below to use BRC's letter generator. It has an easy interface for adding additional comments and sending your letter.
If you have further questions, please contact
Thanks in advance and, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact BRC.
Ric Foster
Public Lands Department Manager
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 107
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