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"Art" in the Parks


Well-Known Member
Saw it elsewhere already. Supposedly they are collecting evidence and building a federal case, multiple felonies. Good.


Red Rockett
Madison, AL
Seems a little cruel to me, all she did was draw a picture of some dude smoking on a rock. It's definitely not the smartest thing, but they should just make her take the time and remove every bit of it.


Well-Known Member
Tehachapi, CA
What they do "feds", is they go hard on these cases to deter others from destroying our national parks. I for one am ok with it because I love visiting these parks and I believe that if they weren't protected, they would be developed by investors or thrashed by visitors.


Mr. Beretta
In hiding.....
If she is found guilty they should use her face to sand the paintings off the rocks. Then shoot her for being a self-centered arrogant B, without the common sense to know this was not only illegal but broadcasting it is really not an intelligent thing to do. Chances are she loves Obama.:giggle:
As for felonies....not sure if it is and not sure if they will prosecute it to the fullest extent. Just look at the idiot who stole the dinosaur track, from the Hell's revenge trail then destroyed it in the Colorado River. He got off pretty easy and those were felony charges.


Red Rockett
Madison, AL
If she is found guilty they should use her face to sand the paintings off the rocks. Then shoot her for being a self-centered arrogant B, without the common sense to know this was not only illegal but broadcasting it is really not an intelligent thing to do. Chances are she loves Obama.:giggle:
As for felonies....not sure if it is and not sure if they will prosecute it to the fullest extent. Just look at the idiot who stole the dinosaur track, from the Hell's revenge trail then destroyed it in the Colorado River. He got off pretty easy and those were felony charges.

Is the top part serious? Theres no way that was serious.


Well-Known Member
United States
At first I was going to say this isn't a big deal but after looking at the pics. Taking something that is so beautiful and putting her crappy graffiti there. What a dumb b****.


Mr. Beretta
In hiding.....
Is the top part serious? Theres no way that was serious.

The ENTIRE post was serious. And to add to it, make it legal, and I'll do the picture removal with her face in my hands. But our wimpy society won't allow it to happen so you can continue to have happy thoughts.

You can say to yourself; "what the heck, it is only one ugly drawing in each park." However, Arches has two million visitors each year, and how would the park look if all two million decided to draw an ugly picture on rocks throughout the park?
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Red Rockett
Madison, AL
The ENTIRE post was serious. And to add to it, make it legal, and I'll do the picture removal with her face in my hands. But our wimpy society won't allow it to happen so you can continue to have happy thoughts.

You can say to yourself; "what the heck, it is only one ugly drawing in each park." However, Arches has two million visitors each year, and how would the park look if all two million decided to draw an ugly picture on rocks throughout the park?

Lmao that is terrible, I understand the "make an example" plan, but if people want to defile state parks they will. One girl getting jail time isn't going to stop anything. Our society isn't wimpy, it's just. Sanding a girls face on a rock, because she drew on it is not just no matter how you look at it.

She should have to go through the time to clean the park everyday and serve a couple of years in jail at most. Maybe it will teach her not to be an idiot, and actually turn her into someone useful on this planet. Because although I haven't been here long, I already know alot of people don't contribute anything to society. On a side note, she is an arrogant B and is probably white trash or some kind of self righteous hippy...
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Mr. Beretta
In hiding.....
I would prefer to do it while she is alive since the smell of a dead body is really bad; one of the worse smells I know of. However, if it would make people happier, shoot her first and use the corpse to clean the rocks. But leave me out of that scenario...the smell....


Red Rockett
Madison, AL
I would prefer to do it while she is alive since the smell of a dead body is really bad; one of the worse smells I know of. However, if it would make people happier, shoot her first and use the corpse to clean the rocks. But leave me out of that scenario...the smell....

Seems like purple power would work better...


Well-Known Member
AB, Canada
It's really sad to see someone act in this way... It truly is a direct result of this "everyone's a winner" helicopter parenting BS.

I hope they make an example of her!

If anyone did something like this in any of my local National parks, I hope they know and understand how remote the areas really are ;)


Pavement Prince
She's wacked out...so,some defacing a useless outdated dam to draw attention to the salmon and needless destruction I can overlook I guess ...painting crap just to leave your mark and then flaunting it shows it's all about her and she could care less about any of these places. Selfish cun$