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2006 Hummer H3 Front issues need advice please


Probationary Member
Grand Prairie, Tx
Hello just need some solid advice don’t know what’s going on with my hummer very loud clicking noise when trying to accelerate or turn sometimes it just won’t let me accelerate very difficult/dangerous to even drive right now 1 mechanic said it’s tie rods and wheel bearing the other said it’s the front differential needs replace any sound knowledge/advice would be very helpful thanks


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Well-Known Member
Bellflower, CA
Put the H3 on jack stands so all 4 tires are off the ground. Rotate the front tires and listen for where the noise is coming from. front CV's are common failures, front prop shaft CV would be next to suspect, unless you off road the front diff is not likely to grenade but is still possible. Front bearings usually make a grinding noise rather than clicking noise.


Hello just need some solid advice don’t know what’s going on with my hummer very loud clicking noise when trying to accelerate or turn sometimes it just won’t let me accelerate very difficult/dangerous to even drive right now 1 mechanic said it’s tie rods and wheel bearing the other said it’s the front differential needs replace any sound knowledge/advice would be very helpful thanks
I ran into this in the past. You probaly have a wheel bearing going bad. There is a wheel speed sensor inside of the hub assembly. When the bearing goes bad the speed sensor does not always read the gear counts from the hub. The vehicle then thinks this tire has lost traction and reduces power and sometime braking. I have seen this in my H3, Envoy, and even my Yukon.
The fun part is figuring out which side is failing. Normally the wheel had some play when you have it jacked up and the vehicle weight is not on it. I recently could not tell on my 05 yukon and ended up changing both front wheel bearings and this condition went away.
I would bet one of your front wheel hub assemblys are bad. I would check the wheel bearing play on both front tires first.