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LED foglight brackets


Well-Known Member
United States
Trying to get production rolling on these brackets.


This set is done. $45 shipped to the lower 48 states.

Working on more sets. After this first set gets sold, we can get a NEXT-IN-LINE thing going.

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Well-Known Member
United States
First set is sold. 2 sets left. Pm-ing ClickClickBoom now, as he has dibs on second set.

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Well-Known Member
United States
I believe Traxx has sent payment for the 3rd set. Second set is still awaiting payment from click click boom, AFAIK.

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Well-Known Member
United States
Just a head's up, I've received a pretty nasty message from Traxx regarding "the quality" of these parts.

He's threatening a "bad review" on here, so I'll wait for it and respond accordingly.

If any other buyer is unhappy with them, just let me know and we will refund you.

I guess I made a mistake in not making this clear from the beginning, these are some $45, backyard brackets. I'm being accused of trying to be misleading, so I will post more pictures of these brackets, so that you can get a better sense of what they are.

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Well-Known Member
It wasn't a threat. Just a warning to save other forum members from wasting their time and money on 'Your Buddies' fine fab work. This is what happens when children have access to dad's power tools but no knowledge of what does what. They were mailed back this morning.

This is what I received. I'll leave it up to you to decide to pay 45 bucks for this. It isn't worth 4.5 cents and certainly not something I would put on my truck.








Well-Known Member
United States
So, I'm curious, what did you expect for $40? These brackets function just fine. Everyone else was quoting $90-$150 if I remember correctly.

I have these exact brackets on my truck. I have for months with zero issues.

Since your such a pro, maybe you should build your own set next time instead of trying to **** on someone just trying to help others out.

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Well-Known Member
Way up north, UT
I think it's great that you're trying to provide a neat part to everyone for a low price.

But to be completely honestly, for $45 shipped I would expect no splatter on the welds (clean it off at least, it'll lead to rusting later and looks horrible on anything someone is expected to buy), it doesn't cost that much more to MIG weld instead of flux core weld and it'd come out a lot better looking. It also doesn't take a lot of effort and time to clean up the welds afterwards so that they look nice.

I'd also expect brake bends, not what looks like it was clamped in a vice and then hammered over. A small bending brake from Harbor Freight that can bend that thin of steel is pretty darn cheap and they'd look a million times better.

Those look more like pre-pre-production testing prototypes rather than something built from pre-existing plans for a proven design that are meant for sale to end users. They really should look nicer if you're going to be selling them. If you had cleaner welds and used a bending brake they'd probably be perfectly acceptable for the price. If you don't have a brake then buy one, they can be had for $50 or less for a small one. If you don't have access to a true MIG welder then just make sure to clean off the splatter and all of the slag. Use a wire wheel on a bench grinder to clean off the slag and most of the splatter, and finish cleaning the splatter off using the grinding or flap wheel on the other side of the bench grinder. You're only doing two tack welds on each of the pivots so it shouldn't be too hard to get them consistent with more practice.

These are valid expectations, even for low cost home made items. I'm not attacking you, just giving feedback based on the example photos Traxx gave. Best of luck. Fabricating parts for short runs and turning a profit can be challenging. I'm grateful to anyone that does it successfully. But for every one guy that does it well, there are twenty others that it flops on them for one reason or another. It's just the way it seems to go.

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Well-Known Member
Obviously I was expecting something built better than any 12 year old with a hacksaw and vise could do. Actually I can do it myself, If I didn't run my own business and had free time. Since I don't, and the cad files are available I'll just pay someone who knows what they are actually doing.

Helping others out?? Of what, their money? You actually think .75 cents of sheet metal, one scratched up coat of primer and 5 minutes is worth 45$?? LOL

So, I'm curious, what did you expect for $40? These brackets function just fine. Everyone else was quoting $90-$150 if I remember correctly.

I have these exact brackets on my truck. I have for months with zero issues.

Since your such a pro, maybe you should build your own set next time instead of trying to **** on someone just trying to help others out.

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Well-Known Member
United States
Obviously I was expecting something built better than any 12 year old with a hacksaw and vise could do. Actually I can do it myself, If I didn't run my own business and had free time. Since I don't, and the cad files are available I'll just pay someone who knows what they are actually doing.

Helping others out?? Of what, their money? You actually think .75 cents of sheet metal, one scratched up coat of primer and 5 minutes is worth 45$?? LOL
Yep, and you'll he paying someone $100+ to do it, because no one wants to build them for less. I tried for weeks to find someone tland couldn't.

So, ok, I'm done.

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