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Lawsuit brought against Ocotillo Wells


Well-Known Member
Burbank, CA
saw this from Pirate4x4


Two environmental groups filed suit in Sacramento on Tuesday seeking a court-ordered shut down of open-riding areas at Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area.The lawsuit alleges off-road vehicle activity at Ocotillo Wells has violated environmental protections mandated under state law.
Specifically, the suit describes widespread erosion, damage to desert soils and plant life, and non-protection of the park's 1,200 archeological and historic sites.
The lawsuit names as defendants the California Department of Parks and Recreation, the Division of Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation, and the division's deputy director, Christopher C. Conlin.
It seeks a court order "to immediately suspend the open-riding policy at Ocotillo Wells" and limit off-road vehicle activity to designated trails in the park.

Rig Pig

Petroleum Transfer Tech.
The Hat, Alberta, Canada
The sad thing is, this area was open for years and years for responsible people to enjoy. Now a days some people have no respect for anything or anyone and sadly this is the out come. Many more areas will continue to close as people fear their will be nothing left for the future generations to enjoy, the best thing we can do as hummer owners and 4x4 enthusiest's is make it known we respect the public areas and wheel with respect, take out what you bring in...collect more if you can. Hopefully if everyone whos claims they are seriuos about protecting these areas can make their voices and actions heard we can prevent the loss of more areas.


Well-Known Member
N. Idaho
The sad thing is, this area was open for years and years for responsible people to enjoy. Now a days some people have no respect for anything or anyone and sadly this is the out come. Many more areas will continue to close as people fear their will be nothing left for the future generations to enjoy, the best thing we can do as hummer owners and 4x4 enthusiest's is make it known we respect the public areas and wheel with respect, take out what you bring in...collect more if you can. Hopefully if everyone whos claims they are seriuos about protecting these areas can make their voices and actions heard we can prevent the loss of more areas.
That has nothing to do with the lawsuit. Environmental groups claim that the 4x4s destroy the environment just by driving offroad because they hate offroaders. Once they get it restricted to trails, they'll again cry foul and claim damage is still being done. Their endgame is getting everything labeled as a wilderness preserve.

Even if our 4x4s were anti-gravity and hovered 3 feet off the ground they'd claim the noise causes stress in a non-existent endangered animals.


Dayton, NV
I get impatient with some folks, and I'm more patient with others, but instead of complaining that wheelers disrespect our access, responsible vs irresponsible, (it is a pointless statement (bus toss) that only feeds their fire) do something.

If your child is careless, do you complain, or take the time to teach him the right way?

Everyone here in CA needs to belong to Cal4Wheel Drive. Belong and participate in local clean ups, trail maintenance, work project etc. Up here, the only areas that get abused are areas where there are no volunteer groups taking care of them. Nobody respects what's not inspected.

Ocotillo is in good shape, is well maintained by volunteers, clubs, and has plenty of grant funding through OHMVR. This is the same group that has been attacking the Rubicon since 2003. We are still fighting them. 10 years later.

Don't give up, don't give in, get involved and stay engaged.


Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
A friend of mine (Jeff Royer) submitted an email to the Borrego Sun:


Well-Known Member
Orange County, CA
The sad thing is, this area was open for years and years for responsible people to enjoy. Now a days some people have no respect for anything or anyone and sadly this is the out come. Many more areas will continue to close as people fear their will be nothing left for the future generations to enjoy, the best thing we can do as hummer owners and 4x4 enthusiest's is make it known we respect the public areas and wheel with respect, take out what you bring in...collect more if you can. Hopefully if everyone whos claims they are seriuos about protecting these areas can make their voices and actions heard we can prevent the loss of more areas.

?? This has been going on for a while.. starting with the lawsuits over the Coyote Canyon trail. Ultimately they want a ban on everything unless it sits with their world view. No offroaders but hey lets tear up the desert for scrap metal sculptures, solar plants and wind farms because thats ok.

As usual, write letters, meet representatives, join off road/outdoor groups that support public land use and donate to groups who can lobby on your behalf. Fight fire with fire.


Well-Known Member
Woodinville, WA
That has nothing to do with the lawsuit. Environmental groups claim that the 4x4s destroy the environment just by driving offroad because they hate offroaders. Once they get it restricted to trails, they'll again cry foul and claim damage is still being done. Their endgame is getting everything labeled as a wilderness preserve.

Even if our 4x4s were anti-gravity and hovered 3 feet off the ground they'd claim the noise causes stress in a non-existent endangered animals.

what's really ironic is I rescue these same people during SAR missions - and they don't say a word about how terrible our hauling their broke asses out are in our 4x4s.