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Hummer H3 HD Dana 50/ CV shaft upgrade


Well-Known Member
We have been testing a diff upgrade in various versions for years now (around 2014 first version was built). We love this version and have both a air locked version in one test truck and a tru trac version in the other truck. The amount of custom machining to the housing for this final version is frustrating but it is well worth it. We are temporarily running the tru trac version in my daily driver H3T getting ready for an overlanding trip this weekend and I love it. Offroad I much prefer the air locker for serious crawling, but for most of the trails in new england I have gotten by with the trutrac.

As I had mentioned in the other thread, we have this final version completed and able to be used with off the shelf CV shafts but unfortunately discovered that the inner CV boot lightly rubs the control arm at full compression. We have not been able to find a solution to this so we have not moved forwards to marketing them.

Dana 50.jpg


Well-Known Member
No updates really, still cant find a smaller Cv shaft that will clear slightly rubbing the lower control arm at full compression. We have had this diff installed in a h3T that has been driven over 10,000 miles since july and there has been no wear to the cv boot so we feel pretty comfortable with the setup we have now.


Well-Known Member
Would love to test it for you in Moab during Black Sheep week.

We haven't designed a setup compatible with the rancho yet. The stronger pinion mount we use goes under the crossmember so it does not rely on the bolt in tension when you load the diff. We had a great run in moab with the dana 44 version last year and only broke one shaft after a very throttle happy climb and landing. We increased the size of the shafts since then

06 H3

a.k.a. "The Jackal"
Meridian, ID
Just looking from the outside in...I understand that when selling a product you strive for ease of install and minimal issues like the boot to control arm contact. With that said, I feel it’s crazy to not proceed with all the challenging machine work and retrofitting a diff to just stop because of a CV boot.

First, the LCA is very beefy and I’m sure trimming one spot just a tad isn’t a big deal.

Second, the vehicle rarely spends time at full droop in the grand scheme of things so I’m sure it would last a while.

Lastly, I’d rather be changing CV boots then front diffs. If I had to change a CV boot every 30k miles it would still be better then the diff swapping I seemed to be doing more frequently then a 30k mike interval.

While my IFS is long gone I would most definitely take the CV boot issue over a weak diff and the chance to regear, especially if your in a 5 cyl.

It’s cool you could fit a D50 in there! It’s an even bigger diff then the D44 most guys are swapping in.


Well-Known Member
Way up north, UT
Right, if it's only at full stuff then it shouldn't really be an issue. At that slow a speed you're not going to experience a lot of wear, especially with how intermittent it would be. You'll wreck more boots from debris than from a bit of rubbing most likely. Even just polishing the arm there would be enough to limit, if not eliminate, any damage that may be caused.

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Well-Known Member
Spoke to the shop that assembled the prototypes and they are currently 8 weeks out for any new orders. We are happy to order ahead of time but with so many options for lockers/ limited slips and gear ratios it's hard for us to have completed diffs on the shelf and guess right on what combo customer will want. For example, my wife's h3t base has 4.56 gears and trutrac in front with light 37s and she likes that combo for MPGs. We also have our 2006 h3 with the 6.0L, Yukon air locker and 4.56 with heavy 37s and it's just right for being a dedicated wheeling rig but for daily driving we would have wanted 4.10s. To each their own but it makes it difficult to stock these


Well-Known Member
Bellflower, CA
For a 06 I5, 4.88 on 35"s would bring the RPM's back to stock. Because mine would be a trail only I would most likely go to 5.13 with ARB. Other than Moab, most of my trails are only 3 hour max drive so I can live with the slower MPH in exchange for better crawl ratio. So to echo the Squeaky's point, bare housing might be the best bet. I am sure we can figure out a fix for us Rancho guys.


Well-Known Member
Yes, empty housing , I'll build my own. How much?
how bought some more pics please. I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on a solid axle swap but this would be much easier and allow truck to retain its awesome on road handling. Although I was planning on running 37s or 38s with swap and spring over.


Well-Known Member
Way up north, UT
I agree that keeping some empty housings in stock would be the way to go. If a customer wants a drop in then they can order it and wait the extra time for it to be built for them. For those that have a local shop or can do the build themselves then an empty unit can get them going faster.

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06 H3

a.k.a. "The Jackal"
Meridian, ID
After doing a ton of custom stuff to my vehicle as a customer and speaking to others I think it’s best to do the empty housing. It is more cost effective allowing people to buy the diff. Let it sit for a while so they can recoup funds for gears and a locker.

I think selling the part that many can’t do on their own (the machine work of the diff) it will sell more. Having the option for someone to buy one from you all done up is cool and would be a cool option for the right buyer but I’m sure you would say many more empty housings


Well-Known Member
Same here, empty or geared to 5:13s. I would take either.

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Well-Known Member
We just placed the order for 5 housings and shafts. Not sure on ETA yet as we are in process of moving our shop and need to get the brackets and tabs cut out on our plasma table but things are in motion.