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  1. deserth3

    Christmas days

    Merry Christmas!!!
  2. deserth3

    Yes, the H3 is gone

    I still miss my H3 after 5 years. Don't miss the anorexic motor. my Silverado 5.3 or better yet the 6.2 would have done well in the H3.
  3. deserth3

    Starting to see more and more in Orange County

    I've seen a couple of Rivians but no Hummer EV here north of Houston
  4. deserth3

    Wow, I got a lesson in LS lifter failures!

    Interesting. I got the Range AFM disabler when number 4 the vacuum pump failed and was anticipating eliminating that. When I tried the disabler, I didn't notice any difference in power or how the engine runs.
  5. deserth3

    Let’s Talk Handheld navigation/Satellite Phones.

    Not a GPS. But is supposed to allow your cell phone to message through satellite service. https://www.motorola.com/us/motorola-defy-satellite-link/p
  6. deserth3

    Wow, I got a lesson in LS lifter failures!

    Damn that sucks. My 2017 Silverado is at 116,000. I'm waiting for it to go. You should ask reloader if he can put an 8.1 L18 engine in for you. I was reading there is a Tahoe option for a 6.2L without AFM. So a non AFM engine should exist.
  7. deserth3

    Drain on battery

    Onstar module was also known to drain battery if onstar is inactive on early models.
  8. deserth3

    Need this part or part number

    In my 20 minutes of research it looks like you can't buy just the pump anymore. You have to buy the whole Power Brake boost assemble. Might want to give it some more time for a better answer. For an 07. https://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo.php?pk=1941322&cc=1433659&pt=1884&jsn=353
  9. deserth3

    Future Moab development

    I'm happy I got to see and enjoy Moab when it still had some of its small-town charm.
  10. deserth3

    Future Moab development

    Water is already a problem in Utah and towns are building without regard to having enough water for their current population. While pointing at farmers as the cause for there not being enough water. Even if this drought is finished. There will be future droughts. And you become very unpopular...
  11. deserth3

    AC broken just in time for a trip

    Not sure what year model h3 you have. But at gmpartscenter.net it states that pn is for 3.7L, 1st design. Hummer H3. You may need the second design (25964059) Hummer H3. From 9/30/08. Canyon, Colorado. 5.3l. 5.3L, 2nd design. 3.7L, 2nd design. 3.5 & 3.7L. Removes harmful moisture from the A/C...
  12. deserth3

    Here's a 20,000 mile motor mount

    Wow. That's horrible working life.
  13. deserth3

    AC broken just in time for a trip

    As dry a it is out here. You could get away with removing the old freon. Disconnect and immediately plug the lines. Then install the new valve and recharge the system. Trick is to limit as much as possible how much moisture and atmosphere that is able to enter the system. I've done it on an...
  14. deserth3

    Tapatalk to be disabled by 7/15/22

    I haven't opened Tapatalk since alrock has switched to the new format. And I don't miss it.
  15. deserth3

    We went to #GrabLifebythePauls

  16. deserth3

    Another 40..

    Got to shoot the MK 19 in the military. It was a blast. If love to try one of these.
  17. deserth3

    Another 40..

  18. deserth3

    Anyone using radar detectors?

    I use Google maps. It'll warn you of speed traps