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Schwartzzy H3 Skid Plate $200


I have a steel Schwartzzy Skid Plate for Sale. Never used. Never intalled. I have all the bolts and instructions. The only reason I didnt install is because both of my H3s are Alphas and this plate covers the oil filter and looks like a PITA to do an oil change.
I am about an hour North if Detroit.

Because of the weight it is not worth my time shipping them. these cost. I am including a stock picture from the internet of these things installed and a picture of the actual plates I have.
These cost over $300 not including shipping. I am asking $200. We do year round overlanding and may consider delivery for a small fee around the michigan/ohio area



Thanks for the reply. I will have to look at this again. I was more worried about being able to get a wrench up the filter on my V8 to loosen the filter.


Rockford IL
Thanks for the reply. I will have to look at this again. I was more worried about being able to get a wrench up the filter on my V8 to loosen the filter.

I don't typically use a wrench, normally can get it with my left hand just perfectly. Maybe one uga-duga.


Well-Known Member
Way up north, UT
Thanks for the reply. I will have to look at this again. I was more worried about being able to get a wrench up the filter on my V8 to loosen the filter.
I use the oil filter pliers to remove oil filters. Any other kind of wrench, be it the strap on or cup type, is honestly iffy at best, or doesn't work at all at worst. You're not needing to worry about damaging the old filter anyway. Installing a filter you should never use a wrench anyway, just make sure it is good and tight. I just hand tighten mine. Never had an issue in the 30 years I have been doing my own oil changes. Quick lube places on the other hand....